
The first semester M. Arch. studio, led by Dawn Finley, began with a short warm-up activity to introduce the students to 3D modelling software and physical model-making techniques. The exercise began with an exploration of simple geometric patterns, and eventually translated them into a small pavilion located in Houston’s Second Ward, along the Buffalo Bayou trail. My design explored varying degrees of permeability, taking visual cues from a cluster of abandoned grain siloes

Semi-Siloed Process

formal exploration

From four basic geometric patterns (diagrid, ortho grid, stripe, and dot grid), I developed a variety of three-dimensional interpretations. I selected one of these three-dimensional interpretations to reproduce as a physical bristol model.

architectural potential.png

architectural potential

We were asked to rethink our simple geometries as architectural interventions. I interpreted my structure as having a sloped ground plane, a perforated roof, and series of columns of varying sizes.

site context.png

contextual influence

We were given a site along the Buffalo Bayou trail. In the new context of our site, I began to see my columns as silos, referencing a cluster of abandoned grain silos nearby.

Column Permeability-01-01.png

Additional explorations included column number, placement, and size (above); and degree of permeability of each column (right).

Final Iso-01-01.png



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